
Thriving Under Pressure: Stress-Management Tips for Entrepreneurs

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, managing stress is essential for sustained success. Discover effective stress-management tips tailored for entrepreneurs in our latest blog post. From practical strategies to mindfulness techniques, learn how to thrive under pressure, boost productivity, and foster a healthier work-life balance. Explore actionable insights to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship while maintaining your well-being. Dive into our guide and unlock the keys to not just surviving but thriving in the dynamic landscape of business.

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How to overcome the new challenges in HR

Create a team that attracts talent and delivers results by implementing change and redefining the HR strategy.

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4 steps for successful organizational change

How to turn change resistors into change supporters

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Innovative leadership in uncertain times

What can leaders do to create a mindset of support and persistence in the team in uncertain times?

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Si të përballojmë sfidat me fleksibilitet?

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4 hapa që të ndihmojnë të qëndrosh e motivuar përballë sfidave aktuale

Disa sugjerime se si mund të përshtasni lidershipin tuaj për të përballuar me sukses sfidat aktuale

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Three things to do well for higher staff performance

A guide for mangers to boost team productivity

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The One thing you need to do to achieve your goals!

What determines a successful path toward the goal you have set is Self-Love. When considering self-love it is important to keep in mind that self-love is not just a positive regard you hold towards yourself, it goes beyond that. Self-love as a fundamental for success in life comes in three levels:

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Daily Habits for sustainable success

A scheduled daily habits form to help you plan your day for sustainable success

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How to set the right goals and achieve them the right way?

A life purpose works as a lighthouse, every time you look up you know where you are headed, and every time you feel lost all you have to do is follow your inner light. Having your own life purpose statement enables you to identify your path, destination after destination, set goals and achieve them successfully.

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What is it like to feel rich and how to be in this feeling?

Our greatest treasure is ourselves,within us there are all the right resources to achieve our goals and it is only when we start looking at ourselves from a perspective of completeness that we start taking charge and work confidently for a higher level fulfillment.

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Vlerat personale dhe pse janë të rëndësishme për arritjen e objektivave

Objektivat dhe qëllimet janë plotësisht të arritshme kur ato kalojnë përmes një proçesi zbulimi të brendshëm të vetes sonë dhe janë pasqyrim i vlerave tona personale.Nuk është e nevojshme të mbështetemi në shembuj të tjerë për të përcaktuar suksesin e as burime të përkohshme motivimi nga jashtë nesh, gjithçka duhet për të realizuar çdo objektiv është të njohim më mirë veten e të shfrytezojmë potencialin e jashtëzakonshëm që mbartim brenda nesh.

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Një gjë duhet të bëni për të mbajtur marrëdhënien tuaj të fortë

Kur jemi në konflikt ne kemi tendencën të tregojmë me gisht dhe të kritikojmë, kur në fakt duhet të fokusohemi në reflektim e më pas në veprim. Si të ndalojmë së përsërituri të njejtat gabime dhe të krijojmë një marrëdhënie të fortë?

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The One thing you need to do for a strong relationship

When in conflict we tend to point fingers and criticize when in fact we should focus on inner reflection and action. How to keep ourselves form making the same mistakes and creating a strong relationship?

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Nëse ndihesh se ke ngecur, atëherë nuk je vetëm!

Është një normale e re që po pret të krijohet prej nesh, ky është momenti të përcaktojmë se çfarë duhet të ndryshojë brenda nesh në mënyrë që të krijojmë rezultate më të më mira në punën dhe jetën tonë. Nëse të jesh i ngecur për ty do të thotë të marrësh kohën tënde për t`u ballafaquar me emocionet dhe të kuptosh se kush është Impakti unik të cilin ti mund të krijosh në botë, atëherë ti mund dhe duhet të qendrosh në këtë mënyrë derisa të kesh zbuluar përgjigjet e tua, të ndiesh gjakun të vërshojë dhe gishtat e tu që mezi presin për të prekur realitetin e ri, një realitet që të përmbush dhe të bën të ndihesh i gjallë…

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If you feel stuck, you`re not alone!

There is a new normal waiting for us to be created, this is the moment to define what needs to change in us in order to create better results out of our life and work. If being stuck for you means taking your time to deal with your emotions and understand what is the unique impact you want to create in this world, then this is the place you need to be until you have figured out all your answers and you feel your blood going and your fingers tips longing to touch a new reality, the one that fills you up and makes you feel alive…

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Mësimi që ne duhet të nxjerrim nga fëmijët

Në varësi të situatës ne tregojmë një anë të ndryshme tonën, por si do të dukej sikur të ishim ne që e vendosim se cilën anë tonën të tregojmë në vend që të reagojmë sipas personave apo situatës?

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The One Lesson we need to get from children

Each one of us has the possibility to create instead of react from situations and people, by connecting to the good angel in our shoulder we get to avoid the normal way of doing things and create a new result by caring not only of ourselves but of the impact we create as well.

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Time to create a “new normal” instead of going back to the “old normal”

What would it feel if instead of going back to your old normal, you start to create the change that you wanted for so long? If you think that this is the best moment to start taking action and go for a life that fulfills you , these are the 4 questions you need to answer

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Si mundet një sipërmarrës të mbajë ekipin të bashkuar dhe bashkëpunues në kohë krize?

Po pergatiteni të rifilloni punën me ekipin tuaj dhe jeni të paqartë se si të drejtoni me sukses në një situatë kaq sfiduese? Në këtë artikull do të gjeni disa hapa që ju ndihmojnë të shfrytëzoni maksimalisht potencialin e ekipit tuaj dhe ta mbani atë të bashkuar e efiçent.

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How can an Entrepreneur keep the Team Aligned and supportive in challenging times?

As a leader you can still do a lot to get the results you want from your team. Here are some tips on how to work with your team and use its full potential to overcome this situation.

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Is your relationship suffering the lockdown?

How to keep your relationship alive during the pandemic

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How to feel better and be productive during Quarantine?

This new lifestyle,if not managed properly might turn into a starting point for self-doubt and burnout, therefore it is very important to use this time in a way that it will serve you instead of leaving this time consume you!

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Self-Management during quarantine

We are living in an extraordinary situation, being inside with little or no social interaction affects each one of us, mixed feelings and an uncertain future is a great starting point to self-doubt or putting into question previous decisions.What can we do to stop self-sabotaging and use this time so that it can serve us instead ?

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What is the secret to a high performing team?

When it comes to teams, there is always plenty of space for intervention on performance and engagement factors that might serve to produce the expected results. In such a fast changing ecosystem that continually demands to do more with less, the stake is always higher and the competition keeps getting tougher, teams face an intense pressure to provide results and achieve goals.

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The Trap of Comparison

The biggest trap of comparison is judgment, the worst : self-judgment

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3 steps for self-management

Self-management is a way to take charge of your life and live it the way you want. External inputs will always be present but it’s up to you to manage yourself and consider every trigger as a challenge that aims to make you a better leader of your own life!

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How to make sure everyone is on board when you`re leading

No matter what you’re leading , a company, a team, or even your family it is necessary to create a space of safety and appreciation. Being a leader doesn’t mean to be always in front, it means that no matter where you’re standing as a leader you are being responsible for your choices and you are committed create an environment that inspires people to give their best!

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Note to self

Every morning when the alarm clock goes off our responsibilities kick in, accompanied with long to do lists that wait to be checked. It’s like the daily goal is to check every task, done-check ✔️, done-check✔️ and if you could put a name to a successful day it would be a “done-check ✔️ day “

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